Monday, April 20, 2009

so lately I have been into chunky little things
here are some chunky little houses I have made for a swap on craftster

Now I am getting screached at by AC, who makes it really hard to get anything crafty or creative done, so I must go, now my job as a mom takes over

Sunday, March 22, 2009

back in the swing

I used up a lot of my craftiness making that baby, and continuing to take care of him. But I found myself extremely irritable, moody and mad all the time. I decided that its because I no longer have my stress outlet....creating crafts and art work!!!
I am finally making a commitment to at least one hour a day (night actually, right after AC's bed time specifically) to either work on swap items, or my own creations! I have been absorbed in the Cloth Paper Scissors Magazine and want so badly to start creating stuff again...maybe a little bit more artistic and less crafty this time...we shall see
well, mr. I am not wearing my glasses just turned on the soundtrack for the movie RENT and I didnt even know we had I better see what buttons he of my creations to come